Why is my natural hair shedding so much?
Why is my natural hair shedding so much?

Why is my natural hair shedding so much?

Why Is My Natural Hair Shedding So Much

why is my natural hair shedding so much

Why is my natural hair shedding so much? Having suffered myself a while back, I know first-hand just how frustrating it can be.

But don't despair, understanding the root cause of your excessive shedding will give you the power to take actionable steps towards managing it more effectively.

My goal here is to make sure that you have all the information needed so that when you look in the mirror, you can feel confident knowing that your strands are healthy and thriving again. So, let’s get started exploring what could be causing your natural hair shedding woes.

Causes Of Excess Hair Loss

Excess hair loss can be quite distressing and it's important to pinpoint why it is occurring. The causes of excessive shedding ranges from common scalp issues such as telogen effluvium, anagen effluvium, or hair breakage due to protective hairstyles.

Telogen effluvium is a condition where the normal cycle of growth and rest for your strands has been disrupted leading to increased shedding.

Anagen effluvium occurs when there’s damage to the cells responsible for producing new hairs.

Hair breakage caused by protective styles happens when you put too much strain on your mane while styling it with tight bands or clips which can lead to brittle broken strands.

 It’s clear that understanding what might be causing excess hair sheds can help us diagnose the underlying issue.

 Diagnosing The Underlying Issue

Having experienced this, I understand how deeply frustrating it can be when your hair appears to shed excessively. With that in mind, let's take a deeper dive into the possible causes of this issue.

why is my natural hair shedding so bad

* Understanding the Hair Growth Cycle: Each strand of hair goes through 4 phases: Anagen (growth), Catagen (transition), Telogen (resting) and Exogen (shedding). If there is an imbalance between these stages, excessive shedding may occur.

* Hereditary or Traction Alopecia: In some cases, hereditary patterns of hair loss are passed down from generation to generation. This type of baldness usually occurs at the temples or crown and often has no cure. Additionally, traction alopecia—hair loss due to over-styling—can contribute to increased shedding as well.

* High Stress Levels: Unmanaged stress levels have been linked with hormonal imbalances which can lead to an increase in telogen phase hairs and thus more shedding than usual.

It's important to identify whether any of these underlying issues could be causing your excessive hair shedding so you can take steps toward resolution.

Improper Styling Practices

Improper styling practices can take a toll on natural hair, leading to breakage and shedding. Heat damage caused by using heat styling tools for too long or at too high of a temperature is one of the most common causes of excessive shedding.

Additionally, tight hairstyles like braids, weaves, and ponytails can put strain on delicate strands and cause them to tear away from the scalp.

To prevent this kind of damage, it's essential to use proper protective measures such as heat protectants before applying any heated tools and avoiding styles that are too tight. It's also important to use soft fabric accessories such as scrunchies instead of metal hair ties when tying your hair up.

Furthermore, don't forget about nourishing natural oils which help keep hair healthy and boost shine; these should be applied regularly depending on your individual needs. Taking care not to overwork the cuticle with all types of styling will help keep your locks looking their best while minimizing breakage and shedding.

In order to maintain healthy tresses without experiencing excessive shedding, it's crucial to balance moisture levels in the hair.

Lack Of Moisture Balance

It is highly likely that a lack of moisture balance in your environment could be the primary cause for an excessive shedding of natural hair. When our scalp and follicles are not adequately hydrated, it can lead to weakened hair shafts which result in increased breakage and fall out.

is it normal for natural hair to shed

To counter this problem, we must focus on replenishing lost moisture with targeted treatments to restore strength back into our locks. Here are four simple steps you should take to get started:

1. Deep Conditioning: Incorporate weekly deep conditioning sessions using a rich conditioner or mask infused with hydrating ingredients such as shea butter, olive oil, coconut oil and jojoba oil. These will help nourish the scalp and add suppleness to the strands.

2. Hot Oil Treatments: In addition to deep conditioning, hot oil treatments can also provide additional moisture needed for healthy growth. This can be done once per month by applying lukewarm oils like castor oil, almond oil or argan oil directly onto the scalp before wrapping a warm towel around the head for 15-20 minutes.

3. Hair Masks: Regularly apply hydrating masks like avocado masks or banana masks to your tresses at least twice a week in order to strengthen weak strands while adding shine and softness back into them.

4. Water Spray Bottle: Keep a water spray bottle handy throughout the day so that you may spritz your hair whenever needed – especially if living in dry climates where humidity levels tend to be quite low! Doing so helps maintain consistent moisture levels while preventing further damage from occurring due to dehydration of the follicles and scalp itself.

These simple strategies when executed correctly can prove very beneficial in maintaining optimal health of one's hair follicles as well as reducing excess shedding associated with overly dry environments. Now let us explore how hormonal imbalance might affect our natural hair…

Hormonal Imbalance

Hair shedding is a common issue for many natural hair care enthusiasts. It can be due to hormonal changes or even alopecia areata, which is a medical term for sudden hair loss from the scalp.

why does my natural hair shed so much

 Hormonal imbalance, particularly caused by birth control pills, can also cause extra hairs to fall out and result in excessive hair fall.

If you think your hormones may be causing your excess shedding, it's important to talk with your doctor about any medications that could potentially help balance them out. As well as taking any medications prescribed by your doctor, there are certain lifestyle changes and dietary choices that could help reduce hormone-related hair loss.

Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals will help nourish your body and support healthy hormone production. Additionally, reducing stress levels through exercise or relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation can go a long way towards keeping hormones balanced.

Nutritional deficiencies can play a major role in our overall health and well

being — including our skin and hair health — so ensuring we have an adequate intake of essential nutrients is key when trying to keep our tresses looking their best!

Nutritional Deficiencies

Natural hair loss is a common issue that can be caused by a variety of reasons, including nutritional deficiencies. Many individuals who experience excessive shedding are often not consuming enough protein and fatty acids to maintain healthy hair growth.

A protein treatment can help nourish the scalp and reduce breakage, while a balanced diet filled with nutrient-rich foods will provide the body with the necessary vitamins it needs for healthy hair.

 Additionally, drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps keep the scalp hydrated and free from dryness—a major contributor to natural hair loss.

Daily moisturizing is also essential for maintaining healthy strands during both the shedding phase as well as its resting phases. Applying an oil or cream before styling your hair can help lock in moisture and protect against potential damage due to heat tools and environmental stressors.

Furthermore, eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon and chia seeds can help stimulate follicle development, thus reducing overall levels of shedding. With these simple tips, you'll be able to minimize your natural hair loss so you can achieve beautiful locks! To further prevent excessive shedding, we must now explore scalp infections or ailments.

Scalp Infections or Ailments

When it comes to natural hair shedding, there are a few things worth considering. The first is scalp infections or ailments that may be causing the excessive shedding of your locks. If you have bald spots, this could be an indication of such issues. It's important to rule out any underlying medical problems and get those treated before attempting to tackle the excess shedding with other methods.

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Additionally, if you're using harsh chemicals on your hair or too much heat styling, these can cause damage leading to increased shedding as well.

It's also essential to consider what kind of products you're using in your hair routine. Using nutrient-rich conditioners, shampoos and leave-in treatments that contain ingredients like aloe vera, shea butter and vitamin E can help promote healthy growth while protecting against breakage and loss.

In addition, wearing protective styles is highly recommended for keeping moisture locked in and avoiding further damage, especially when sleeping at night; try wrapping your head in a satin scarf or bonnet instead of cotton pillowcases which will absorb more moisture from your tresses over time.

Also make sure you're getting enough protein in your diet – it helps keep hair strong and prevents breakage due to dryness or brittleness.


Over-processing of natural hair can be a major cause for shedding. Depending on your type of curls, it may take less heat or manipulation to over process the hair due to its delicate texture and low porosity.

Flat irons, curling wands, and excessive blow drying can all lead to damage if done incorrectly. If you have noticed an increase in shedding after using any of these tools, it is best to stop their use until further investigation by a professional stylist has been conducted.

A deep conditioning treatment should also be included in your regular regimen as this will help with length retention and keeping the strands hydrated. It is especially important for those who are prone to dryness or breakage from styling methods such as flat ironing or tight ponytails.

 Additionally, scalp massages (with oil) help by encouraging circulation and promoting healthy growth when done regularly.

Stressful events can also have an effect on our hair health which could manifest in the form of increased shedding. As we experience stress, our bodies produce hormones that affect the cycle of growing and resting phases in follicles, leading to more frequent shedding than usual.

Finding ways to manage stress levels through exercise, yoga, meditation etc., can be beneficial not only physically but mentally too!

Stress And Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can have a huge impact on the health of your hair. Hair loss, dryness, breakage – these are all symptoms of stress-related hair damage. It's important to consider if you've been feeling unusually stressed or anxious lately when assessing why your natural hair is shedding so much.

It’s normal for most people to shed between 50 and 100 hairs per day. If you're noticing more than that, it might be time to address the underlying cause – namely stress. A treatment plan tailored specifically for you can help restore healthy hair growth in no time!

Start by reducing stress as much as possible through activities like yoga or meditation. You may also need to adjust your diet and lifestyle habits in order to feed your body what it needs to promote strong, healthy hair.

With some simple changes, you could soon see an improvement in the amount of natural hair shedding! Moving forward with the right treatment plan will ensure that your locks regain their former glory before long.

Natural Remedies for Promoting Hair Growth

When it comes to natural remedies for promoting hair growth, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. That's why it's important to take a holistic approach when caring for the health of your strands and understand what could be causing excessive shedding in the first place.

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To help you along that path, here are 4 key tips that can help promote healthy hair growth:

* Wash your Hair Regularly: Washing your hair on a regular basis with an all-natural shampoo helps remove dirt and oils while also nourishing your scalp and follicles. Make sure not to wash too often though – twice a week should suffice unless you have very oily hair or use lots of styling products.

* Use Conditioner After Every Shower: Applying conditioner after each shower will ensure maximum moisture stays locked into your strands and prevent them from becoming dry and brittle. Additionally, using a deep conditioning mask once per week adds extra hydration which can help reduce breakage caused by heat styling tools.

* Wear A Shower Cap When Going Swimming: Chlorine and other chemicals found in swimming pools can damage delicate strands, so wearing a shower cap before hitting the pool is essential for maintaining healthy hair. It also prevents tangles from forming due to exposure to saltwater if you're at the beach!

* Give Your Scalp Some TLC: Taking time out of your day to massage your scalp can do wonders for both its overall health as well as preventing further shedding. This increases blood flow which brings much needed nutrients such as vitamin E directly to where they are needed most – near the root of your hairs!

By following these simple steps, you'll be able to better control how much hair is being lost each day — helping keep it within normal ranges without having to resort to any harsh treatments or medications.

The amount of daily shedding varies from person to person but if it seems like more than usual then exploring some of these natural solutions may be beneficial for restoring balance back into the equation!

why am i suddenly shedding so much hair

It can be so disheartening when dealing with excessive shedding of natural hair. I understand that it takes time and patience to find the best solutions for your individual needs.

I've provided you with some potential causes of excess hair loss in addition to some suggestions on how to promote healthy growth. Remember, sometimes small changes make all the difference!

Take the necessary steps towards nurturing and caring for your hair; this will help you achieve beautiful and lasting results.

If you are still having problems managing or controlling your natural hair shedding, please don't hesitate to reach out to a professional who specializes in natural hair care treatment. You deserve to experience the joys of owning gorgeous, luscious locks – let's get started today!


How do I stop my natural hair from shedding?

If you find yourself asking, “Why is my natural hair shedding so much?” don't worry! There are several steps you can take to reduce shedding. First, try incorporating a protective style, like braids or twists, to prevent hair strands from breaking. Additionally, be gentle on wash days by using a wide-tooth comb and applying a deep conditioner or hair mask to strengthen the hair shaft. It's also essential to maintain a balanced diet to promote healthy hair growth.

Is it normal for natural hair to shed a lot?

It's natural to wonder, “Why is my natural hair shedding so much?” Keep in mind that shedding is a normal part of the hair growth cycle, and losing 50-100 hair strands per day is typical, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. However, factors like your hair type and how you care for it can influence the amount of shedding. Curly hair, for example, may appear to shed more due to its coiled structure. If you're concerned about excessive shedding, consider speaking with a healthcare professional or hairstylist.

How do I stop my African American hair from shedding?

When you think, “Why is my natural hair shedding so much?” remember that African American hair can be more prone to breakage due to its unique structure. To minimize shedding, focus on keeping your hair moisturized and maintaining a healthy hair care routine. Use a deep conditioner or hair mask regularly, avoid heat styling, and opt for a protective style that doesn't put too much tension on your hair. Also, be cautious not to use too much protein in your hair products, as it can lead to breakage.

Why am I suddenly shedding so much hair?

There could be several reasons behind the question, “Why is my natural hair shedding so much?” Some common reasons for sudden hair shedding include hormonal changes, stress, medical conditions, or even changes in your hair care routine. If you notice excessive shedding or bald patches, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional to identify the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment. In the meantime, focus on maintaining a healthy hair care routine and being gentle with your hair.

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